Specialists in automatic marking and reading systems

Technologies - Reading - AURS

Modern production processes require the tracking of the products along the entire cycle; the interest is focused on the combined systems for automatic marking and reading of the identification codes. Green Project is capable to propose “turn key” integrated solutions, starting from the definition of the system requirements, in cooperation with the Client, till the start up of the devices.
The automatic reading systems produced by Green Project are designed in order to read all the types of symbols marked with its own machines (letter, numbers and mono / bi-dimensional codes).
Applications can be in fixed position (the code is read when the marked product passes in the reading station (f.i. at the entrance of a furnace) or portable, where a scanning pistol is used by an operator to recognize the products (f.i. in a storage area or during the loading of a vehicle).
Some models are custom, i.e. they are integrally designed and fabricated in Green Project's laboratory for a specific application; other models are configured or personalized commercial products for reading Bar Codes or QR / Data Matrix codes; in both cases the experience of Green Project in the steel industry assures excellent performances and reliability in the most severe environmental and operative conditions.
AURS applications mainly include:
• optical systems for recognition of digits and binary codes written by TEMA and SPRAY marking systems
• optical systems for tri-dimensional recognition of digits and binary codes marked by the PUMA punching systems (mainly Hammer for billets and blooms).
• optical systems (fixed or portable) for reading 2D codes (bar codes, QR codes, Data matrix codes) typically marked by INK, LASER or printed on TAGS and LABELS.
The AURS for TEMA and SPRAY are based on an optical device in conjunction with a software image processing application capable to decode both characters defined by a continuous line and binary / data matrix codes.
The AURS for PUMA is based on an optical device in combination with a lightening system which is capable to highlight and recognize the digits indented in the metal, even if the surface is uneven and scaled.
The AURS fixed unit for 2D codes is used in the automatic production lines where the pieces are brought in its view area. It is a scanner which automatically scans and recognizes the code.
The AURS portable unit for 2D codes is a hand-held device: the scanning is started by the operator after positioning the unit in front of the product. Data are collected and then transferred to ERP/MES systems by USB port, Ethernet or wireless (Wifi) connection.
All AURS reading systems can be equipped with proper illumination if the environmental lightening conditions are not suitable.

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